My first period

The female anatomy

Your menstrual cycle

Blood clots and your period

Heavy periods

Irregular periods



Whether you are looking forward to your first time or not, experiencing your first period is one of life’s major milestones.

While it happens to about half the population, it can feel like a daunting prospect full of unknowns.

But if you know the signs to look out for and you’re prepared for what to do when it arrives, you’ll be surprised how smoothly you can enter into this new phase.

All girls start their periods at different ages, usually between the ages of 10-14, with an average starting age of between 11 and 13 years old.

Some girls can experience “menarche” (the technical term for your first period) as early as 8 or 9, others at the upper end of the spectrum at 16 or 17.

Everyone is different, so while you may even be impatient to get your period, remember you have another 40 years or so of periods ahead of you – don’t worry if it hasn’t shown up just yet!

What is a period and why do we get them?

The menstrual or period cycle is a monthly cycle that allows you to get pregnant.

When you have your first period, it’s your body’s way of showing you that you are transitioning towards adulthood and potentially, one day, parenthood.

During your monthly cycle, the walls of the uterus fill with nutrients and blood in order to support the fertilised egg.

When the egg is not fertilised, the lining of the uterus breaks down and your body gets rid of it.

This is not dangerous (in fact it is very healthy) and your body will continue to do this on average every 23-35 days from menarche until menopause.

When will I get my first period?

There is no way of predicting the exact moment when you will get your first period and there is nothing you can do to make it start. However, before getting your first period (or menarche), there are signs you can look out for that indicate you have started puberty and you may get your period soon:

  • Your breasts begin to bud
  • Pubic hair and underarm hair starts to appear
  • Some girls experience a sudden growth spurt

These changes normally occur around 1-2 years before you start your first period.

A few months before menarche, you may also notice a white or pale-yellow discharge – another indication that can help you to be prepared.

There are many factors that can influence when you go through menarche, from your race and genes, to outside influences such as weight and environment.

Often girls will start their periods around the same age as their mothers did, so it’s a good idea to talk things through with your mum and ask her when she started hers.

Alternatively, you can talk any concerns through with a doctor or a trusted adult, such as a teacher or school nurse, who can also help to answer any questions you may have.

What do I need to do to be prepared for my first period?

For peace of mind, it’s a good idea to have on standby a small “period kit”, such as a small toilet bag, where you can keep a fresh pair of underwear, panty-liners and pads and/or the InaCup size Mini menstrual cup.

Make sure your bathroom at home is also well stocked if you choose pads or tampons, if you go with a menstrual cup, you will just need one.

Which period products should I use?

If you walk down any feminine hygiene aisle in your supermarket or pharmacy, it can feel like there is an overwhelming choice of products out there. But they generally breakdown into 3 simple categories:


Pads have a sticky underside and are worn outside the body. They are placed inside your underwear to absorb the flow. They come “with” or “without wings”, which are essentially side flaps that wrap around the underside of your knickers, and they come in a range of thicknesses to absorb a light, medium or heavy flow. You can practice placing pads in your knickers even before starting your period. Pads should be changed every 4-6 hours.


Tampons, which also come in a range different sizes, are inserted into the vagina to absorb your menstrual blood before it leaves the body. The string part hangs outside the vagina and is used to pull the tampon out. Tampons must be changed every 4-6 hours.

Menstrual Cups: 

Menstrual cups such as InaCup are becoming increasingly popular.

They are washable and reusable cups that are inserted into the vagina to collect your menstrual blood.

The InaCup menstrual cup is made from soft, allergy-friendly medical grade silicone that is both very healthy for your body and good for the environment too.

They can be worn risk-free inside your vagina for up to 12 hours, so you can simply insert it and forget all about it for the rest of the day. We recommend Size Mini for teens.


TIP: If you are at school and you start your period, you can ask your school nurse or teacher for help, as they should have a supply of products to hand. If you don’t feel comfortable doing that, toilet paper works as a temporary substitute to a period product!

How much bleeding is normal?

It may look like a lot of blood, but in actual fact, you only release around 30-50 ml of menstrual blood (with some additional fluid, the measure only refers to the blood only) each time.

Some people may release a bit more, but if you are not experiencing severe cramping, nausea or other side effects, then your individual flow can be considered normal.

Usually the flow is lighter when you start your period and it can take a while for it to settle into a regular flow.

It is also very likely that you will see some blood clots appear during your period too, particularly if you have a heavier flow.

How long should my period last?

Your period can last between 2 and 7 days.

First periods are often lighter and can be irregular to begin with.

Nowadays there are plenty of apps to help you keep track of your period, so you can monitor your regularity and plan accordingly.

If you feel like your period is very heavy or lasts beyond 7 days, check in with your doctor for advice.

Will my first period hurt?

Some of the most common physical period symptoms include (but are not experienced by everyone):

  • Period cramps (dull ache in your stomach area or lower back)
  • Tender or swollen breasts
  • Tiredness and mood swings
  • Feeling bloated

It is perfectly normal that you feel emotional the first few times you experience these reactions.

During this time, be kind to yourself, make sure that you listen to your body and take plenty of rest when needed.

Don’t be afraid to talk people close to you about how you are feeling.

Gentle exercise and a warm bath or hot water bottle can go a long way to ease menstrual cramps, as well as over the counter pain killers if needed (consult your doctor or pharmacist for advice).



Getting to know your reproductive anatomy is as important for health reasons as it is for self-esteem, boosting feelings of sexual attractiveness and enjoyment of intimate relationships.

But it’s not always so straightforward to see or know what’s going on down there – and with so much information out there, it can be easy to get things wrong.

Let’s take a closer look…

The ins and outs of your vagina

It’s a common misconception that the vagina includes everything you can see “down there”.

In fact, the vagina (also known as the birth canal) only refers to the flexible inner canal that runs between the uterus (or womb) inside your body and the area outside known as the vulva.

Where is my vulva?

The vulva is the visible area outside the body that’s made up of the inner and outer lips, clitoris, urethra (the tube that transports urine out from the bladder) and the outer entrance to the vagina.

The outer lips of the vulva are made up of an area of fatty tissue, that appear like two “lips”.

After puberty, they become covered in pubic hair, which is designed to protect the more sensitive inner parts from bacteria and dirt.

Above the vulva lies the soft fatty tissue area that covers the pubic bone, where most of the pubic hair grows.

During and after puberty, it becomes covered in hair, which extends down between your legs, covering the outer lips and sometimes also the top part of the inside of your thighs.

The inner lips sit just beneath the outer lips and connect with your clitoral hood, a small fold of skin that surrounds and protects your clitoris.

Your clitoris is the female version of the male penis, filled with nerve endings that contribute towards sexual pleasure and orgasms.

What you see of the clitoris on the outside is really only the tip of the iceberg. While it only looks like a small button, this long structure, shaped like a wishbone, continues deep inside the body and increases in size when aroused.

Don’t buy into any suggestion that your vulva should look a certain way. Your vulva is unique – and the shape, size and colour of the different parts of the vulva all vary from one person to the next.

They are almost always asymmetrical, with the inner lips sometimes larger, smaller or the same size as the outer lips.

What are the key functions of the vagina?

The walls of your vagina lie against each other when compressed but can widen when needed to let a baby pass through or fit a penis.

While the vagina is elastic and returns back to its compressed state after sexual intercourse, some women may notice that it feels different after giving birth.

This can be helped by doing regular pelvic floor exercises.

During your period, the vagina passes the menstrual blood and lining of the uterus out of the body.

You can place tampons or a menstrual cup inside the vagina to stem the flow of blood. It also secretes natural substances (or discharge) that help to “self-clean” your vagina by flushing out any unwanted bacteria, fluids and cells.

You do not actually need to clean inside your vagina – in fact it’s much healthier to leave it to do its thing. The vulva and surrounds can be cleaned carefully with warm water and a mild, natural soap.

What is the hymen?

Just inside the opening lies a thin piece of tissue that partially covers the vagina known as the hymen.

Not all women even have a hymen, and while for some, it breaks down during sexual intercourse, it can also be worn down during non-sexual activities, such as during sports, riding a bike or using period products like tampons or a menstrual cup.

Click here to learn more about the hymen.

How does my vagina change during my menstrual cycle?

Each girl is born with about 1 million eggs in their ovaries.

During ovulation (the mid-point of your cycle), your ovaries release one egg, which causes the vaginal tissue to become thicker and the walls of your uterus to develop a thick lining full of nutrients and blood as it prepares for a (potential) pregnancy if the egg is fertilised by sperm.

Where is the cervix positioned?

On the days where you are at your most fertile (around ovulation), the cervix opens to allow sperm to travel into the uterus, whereas at other points of the cycle, it remains tightly shut.

Your period happens when the egg is not fertilised and the walls of your uterus break down. Your body needs to get rid of this lining – which is what you see when you have your period.

How does the female anatomy and vagina change as you age?

Just like the rest of your body, the female anatomy changes as you get older.

On the outside, you’ll start to see the hair thin, fall out or go grey, while on the inside, your vagina will also go through some changes.

The opening can get smaller and the length of the canal can shrink.

The walls become thinner, lose elasticity and become more relaxed.

This does not necessarily result in less pleasure during sex, however during menopause, there can be a decrease in your vagina’s secretions, which can result in uncomfortable sex or irritation.

Your clitoris on the other hand, retains its pleasure-giving capacity no matter your age.



Our monthly periods are part and parcel of our everyday lives.

While having your period can feel like an inconvenience for some (cramps and bloating, anyone? I hear you!) there are also some pretty powerful benefits.

For one, it’s your body’s natural way of cleansing and flushing out toxins, and it’s a great way for you to know that your body is healthy and functioning well.

All bodies are different, so logically, no two menstrual cycles are the same. The length and regularity of your menstrual cycle can differ to that of your friends and peers – yet still be perfectly healthy.

So, let’s embrace period positivity and get to know our cycles better.

When does menstruation begin?

The menstruation cycle begins when the body goes through puberty (essentially becomes more “adult”). The medical term for this first menstrual cycle is “menarche”. Puberty normally lasts between 2-5 years, with menarche usually occurring 2 years after puberty begins.

In other words, your body is naturally preparing itself for the first time to become pregnant. While the average age for menarche is around 12-13 years, it can take place at any time between the age of 9 and 15.

A whole range of reasons, such as race, genes and environment, can affect the timing of menarche, as can external factors, including diet, weight, exercise and lifestyle.

That said, while it is recommended to check in with a physician if you haven’t started your period by the age of 15, it is by no means unusual for adolescents to start their period at the age of 17.

The menstrual cycle

In total, you will spend around 6 years of your life menstruating (the phase when your body sheds a mixture of blood and the lining of your uterus if you do not become pregnant).

But how much do you know about the rest of your cycle?

The menstrual cycle is split into 4 main stages. A full monthly menstrual cycle varies in length from one person to the next. For some it can be as short as 23 days, for others up to 35 days. Just as with menarche, each body is different – and this is totally normal.

The phases outlined below are based on a 28-day cycle, but this varies according to the individual.

Menstrual phase (around day 1-5)

The first stage of your period cycle is the best known, when the thickened lining of your uterus exits your body through the vagina.

During this time, there are many different types of products you can use to manage your period and absorb or collect the blood.

Traditionally the most common methods include sanitary pads and tampons, but these days, reusable period products such as menstrual cups, period underwear and reusable pads are gaining popularity too.

It is perfectly normal during this time to feel low on energy. Many women also experience cramps and dull aches or discomfort to varying degrees caused by contractions in the uterine and abdominal muscles, as the uterus sheds its lining and your body expels the menstrual fluid.

Follicular phase (around day 1-13)

This is when your body prepares for ovulation and your hormones encourage the egg to grow in your ovaries.

It can take around 13 days for the egg cell to reach maturity.

During this time, your oestrogen levels steadily rise, which results in the uterus developing a thick lining, rich in nutrients and blood that can support the egg should you become pregnant.

A pleasant side effect of this is that many women feel more energetic and alert.

Ovulation phase (around day 14)

During ovulation (normally around day 14), the egg is released into the fallopian tube and transported to the uterus.

At this point, and for the next 24 hours, you are at your most fertile. It is the point in your cycle where you have the highest possibility of getting pregnant.

However, it’s possible for you to get pregnant at any point in the cycle, so if you are not planning on getting pregnant, make sure you use contraception.

It’s also natural during the ovulation phase to feel a boost in your sex drive, and just like in the follicular phase, you may also have feelings of alertness and an increase in your energy levels.

Luteal phase (averages from day 15 to 28)

Reach for the chocolate. If the released egg is not fertilised by sperm, levels of oestrogen and progesterone drop, the egg cell disintegrates, and the walls of your uterus start to break down. At this point, many women experience PMS (premenstrual syndrome), which can cause feelings of sadness and anxiety, mood changes and tiredness. Your body may feel bloated and your breasts tender or sore. Be kind to yourself, treat yourself to more rest time, try to listen to your body and its needs.


Despite the fact that menopause is a completely normal life event that all women go through, the transition towards menopause can be a bumpy road.

Understanding more about what is happening to your body and its reactions can help prepare you for this transition.

What is menopause?

Menopause is defined by having 12 consecutive months with no period. But prior to this, the body can spend any time between 4 and 10 years preparing itself.

This is known as the perimenopausal stage.

Just as with menstruation, there’s no set age to start menopause.

The average starting age for the perimenopausal stage is 46, but it can range from 34 to 54. In some cases, premature menopause can start at a younger age.

On average, the final menstrual period takes place around the age of 51 but this can fluctuate between 40 and 60.

During this time, the body reacts in certain ways because of hormonal changes, which can result in symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats and sleep disturbance, changes to your sex drive, weight gain and mood changes.

Learning how to recognise these signs and gain control over them can help this transition be less disruptive to your life.

Perhaps the best-known side effect of the perimenopausal stage are hot flashes, which can occur up to several times a day.

There are many ways to mitigate this reaction, such as by making changes to your diet, regular exercise, quitting smoking and dressing in comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.

Using a period tracker to monitor when you had your last period can go a long way in helping you to feel that you have more control of this stage in your life.

Don’t be afraid to talk to friends and family about how you are feeling.

Taking additional care of yourself, your diet and paying attention to your body’s needs can contribute a long way towards a healthy and balanced menopause.



Blood clots (or menstrual clots) are a natural part of your period that many women experience at one time or another.

While it may surprise you and feel disconcerting to see them appear during your period – especially for the first time – you can rest assured that for the most part, these little gel-like blobs are completely harmless.

Noticing these blood clots – particularly on your heavier days – is normal. In fact, around 1 in 3 women have heavy periods, which usually result in some blood clots.

Even if you have lighter periods, you may still see them at the start of your period when the flow is at its heaviest.

What are menstrual blood clots?

While it may look like you bleed more, on average your body will release around 30-50 ml of menstrual blood each month.

This is made up of the wall of the uterus as it breaks down. You may also notice some thicker clumps or chunks of blood, usually when your flow is at its heaviest, which can vary in texture and colour (from brighter red to dark red).

These are also known as menstrual blood clots.


You are not alone – most people will experience clots during their period at some point in their lives (or maybe even during every period)

They are a perfectly normal and natural part of your menstrual bleeding

Clots usually appear during the first few days of your period when your flow is at its heaviest

What causes period blood clots?

So, here’s the scientific part: just like when we get a cut, during our period, when the thick lining of your uterus wall breaks down, we release a substance known as “procoagulants” that help your blood to form blood clots.

At the same time, “anticoagulants” are also released, forming a balancing act that ensures the blood is thinned out enough.

During the heaviest phase of your period, the anticoagulants can be outpaced by your flow, so they don’t have time to kick in and break down the clots before they are released from the body.

That is why during the first few days of your period, when your flow is at its heaviest, you may see some clots. You can experience clots during every period or only occasionally.

Just as each body and menstrual cycle is unique, so is your own menstrual bleeding and its appearance.

Is it normal to have blood clots during my period?

For the most part, menstrual blood clots are a normal part of every cycle and nothing to worry about.

However, if you notice any significant changes, or any of the following symptoms, it is a good idea to consult your doctor in case of an undetected medical condition or health issue:

  • They appear wider than about 3 cm
  • You pass large clots frequently over a short period of time
  • They are greyish in colour
  • You have excessive menstrual bleeding or HMB (heavy menstrual bleeding) – i.e. you need to change your menstrual hygiene product every hour
  • You experience prolonged periods that last over 7 days
  • You suffer from symptoms such as severe cramping, inflammation or swelling
  • There’s mid-cycle bleeding or spotting
Is my period blood normal?

All periods are different and even your period will change from one month to the next.

One month you may experience a lot of blood clots and heavy period flow, while the next, your flow may be lighter or a different colour.

In general, when the blood is redder and brighter, it has come out of your body quicker.

The darker or blacker it appears, the longer it has taken to be expelled from the body.

This is why you may notice that the blood is darker or even almost black towards the end of your cycle.

How to manage period blood clots

Most period clots are perfectly healthy and normal and no cause for concern. However, it is important to keep tabs on your overall flow each month in case of any significant changes.

Things to look out for include the consistency and colour of the blood and the size of any clots.

Some period products, such as a menstrual cup, can help to you to easily monitor your flow, as it collects the blood instead of absorbing it.

Cups are also ideal if you have a heavy flow, as they can hold up to 3x more blood than a “super” absorbent tampon or pad can.

What can menstrual blood clots mean?

If you notice that you are passing many large clots or experiencing prolonged bleeding, if you have a heavier than usual flow or you are suffering from severe cramping or inflammation, it’s advisable to check in with your doctor to rule out any other medical condition or health issue.

Excessive clotting can be a sign that your hormones are out of balance. Stress, illness, menopause or medication can also cause excessive clotting, as can a rare condition known as endometriosis.

Endometriosis is a painful syndrome that can cause the uterine tissue to grow outside the uterus, usually in the ovaries or sometimes on the fallopian tubes, bowels or bladder.

Symptoms can include heavy periods, excessive clotting and pain in the abdomen, pelvic area and lower back. An estimated 1 in 10 women are known to suffer from endometriosis.

While this may sound scary, for the most part, these little clumpy blobs that appear during your period are just part and parcel of your cycle and nothing to be worried about. If in any doubt, always consult your doctor for advice.



For some of us, suffering from heavy periods can be a uncomfortable experience. While in some cases there is no identifiable cause at all, it can also be the symptom of another health issue.

For many women, our flow can change between cycles and we can experience the odd monthly bleed that’s heavier than usual.

But if this continues and it starts to impact your life, then it’s worth investigating further to see what might be behind the change.

Rule number one: don’t suffer in silence.

If your periods are preventing you from doing what you otherwise normally do (such as sport, hobbies, going to work and other activities that you love doing), then it is definitely worth getting yourself checked out to find out if there is something else going on.

And even if there isn’t, your doctor should be able to provide you with a solution that can help you manage these heavier flows better and get on with your life.

Menorrhagia is the term used for periods that have an abnormally heavy flow. While many women suffer from cramping and heavier flows during their period (especially at the start of their period), menorrhagia is a lot less common.

If you find that you soak through your menstrual hygiene product (such as a tampon or pad) every hour on a regular basis, then you may be suffering from menorrhagia and you should talk to your doctor so they can advise you.

How do you know if you have a heavy period?

Heavy period check list:

  • Do you have to change your pad or tampon every hour or more for more than a day?
  • Do you need to wear additional protection (such as two pads at the same time) to manage your flow?
  • Do you have to get up in the night to change your pad?
  • Have you noticed large blood clots that are wider than about 3cm?
  • Do you feel very weak, tired or breathless during your period?
  • In addition to any of the above, do you bleed or spot between periods?
  • Do you regularly cancel your plans, hobbies, sports or other activities because of your period?

If any of the items on the checklist apply to you, then it is likely that you suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding and you should seek medical advice.

In general, it is widely accepted that if you pass more than 60ml-80ml of menstrual blood, then it is classed as a heavy period.

It can be difficult to measure this if you are using a more traditional menstrual hygiene product such as a tampon or sanitary pad, as they soak the blood rather than collect it.

A menstrual cup, however, such as the , is ideal for heavier flows, as it can hold up to 3 times more blood than a super tampon or a pad (it comes in 2 sizes – 25ml and 30ml).

As it collects the blood, it also makes it easier for you to monitor and measure your flow.

Why is my period so heavy?

A hormone imbalance is a common cause of heavy periods.

During your cycle, hormones in the uterus cause the lining to break down when the egg is not fertilised.

In the case of a hormone imbalance, excessive thickening of the lining can occur and this can result in heavier bleeding.

There are a number of other possible reasons why you may suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding. These are some common causes:

  • Age can play a part. If you have only just started to get your period, an imbalance in your hormones can cause heavy periods. Similarly, if you are going through menopause, you can experience abnormal bleeding too.
  • Contraception or medication: If you’ve changed or stopped taking your pill or you have fitted a copper IUD, you may find that your periods are heavier at first.
  • Growths and polyps: these are non-cancerous growths within the lining of the uterus, which can result in a heavier or longer lasting period.
  • Medications such as blood thinners or steroids could cause your periods to be heavier.
  • Endometriosis: a syndrome that can cause the uterine tissue to grow outside the uterus, and can cause heavy periods, excessive clotting and pain in the abdomen, pelvic area and lower back.
How to manage a heavy period

It’s not easy when you have menorrhagia. Many people find that they can’t take part in their usual activities and everyday life because there is so much cramping and heavy blood loss, as well as accompanying symptoms such as tiredness or breathlessness.

However, there are many treatments and solutions out there for heavy periods, from hormonal methods such as the contraceptive pill or a hormone-controlled IUD (as opposed to a copper IUD), to procedures that remove polyps or growths, if needed, so it’s important to consult your doctor so that you can find the right solution for you.

Aside from medical treatments, there are also natural methods that can have an impact on how your body reacts to your heavy flow. Diet can have a big impact. Make sure that you stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and eat food that is rich in iron and potassium, such as bananas, dark green vegetables or salmon.

Exercise is also good, as it releases feel-good endorphins and can help to ease your cramps.

Yoga and meditation can help you to get rid of any stress build up, which can have a negative impact on your flow. If that is not your thing, try to find an activity that helps you to destress, such as meeting a friend or taking a stroll outside in the fresh air.

What’s important to remember is that heavy bleeding can be controlled and, while heavy bleeding is not always a symptom of a more serious condition, if you talk to your doctor or gynaecologist, they can advise you on the best course of action.



Many will experience irregular periods at some point in their lives.

While having the odd irregular menstrual cycle here and there is not usually considered an issue, if your periods are frequently irregular, it can be a sign of a deeper health issue.

Getting to know and tracking your own cycle is an important way for you to first know if you are regular or not, and it can also help you to notice if there’s a sudden irregularity or change.

How long is a regular menstrual cycle?

The average “normal” menstrual cycle fluctuates between about 21-35 days (with an average of 28 days), while a normal period lasts between 3 and 7 days depending on the individual.

What may be considered as normal and regular for one woman may be different for you.

What is most important in terms of regularity (or knowing if you are regular) is that your average cycle (however many days that may be) more or less stays at the same length.

What is an irregular period?

An irregular period usually means there is a sudden variation to the pattern of your menstrual cycle, either in the number of days of your monthly cycle, or of your period flow.

So, if your menstrual cycle suddenly deviates from the norm, for example becomes shorter, longer, heavier or lighter than usual, or in the case that your period doesn’t even show up at all, then it could be a sign that you have an irregular period cycle.

Checklist: signs you may have an irregular period:

  • You frequently go more than 35 days or less than 21 days between periods
  • Within your own cycle, your cycle length suddenly changes significantly – for example, one month your cycle lasts 25 days and another month, 35 days. Even though the length of cycle is considered normal, as there are significant changes to your cycle length, this would be considered as irregular.
  • You experience abnormal bleeding or spotting between periods
  • You have extreme mood swings or other abnormal period symptoms

Fluctuating by just a couple of days here and there is not something to worry about and does not signify that your period is irregular (for example if your cycle during one month is 22 days and then during another it is 25 days – that’s ok!).

Reasons for a missed or irregular period

As your menstrual cycle is controlled by hormones, an irregular cycle is a common sign that there is some kind of hormonal imbalance, which can be caused by a number of different factors, including:

  • Hormonal fluctuations during puberty and menopause
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Medication
  • Contraceptive medication
  • Extreme or sudden weight gain / weight loss
  • Over exercising
  • Pregnancy

While many women experience delayed or early periods, the only way to really know if your periods are irregular or not is by keeping track of your monthly cycle.

Luckily this is now easy to do with an online period tracker app such as Glow or Clue. The more you know about your cycle, the better you’ll be at knowing if there are any irregularities or sudden changes.

If you know that you are not pregnant and if your period is consistently showing up early or late (for example over a time period of 3 months) – or even not at all – then you should speak to your doctor as soon as possible because there could be an underlying issue.

Causes of irregular periods can include:

  • STD (sexually transmitted disease)
  • Diabetes
  • Over- or underactive thyroid

PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), a rare condition that effects 5-10% of women. It causes a hormonal imbalance which can result in a number of side effects, including irregular periods, weight gain, excessive hair growth on the face, chin or body, acne, infertility and cysts on ovaries.

Ways to regulate your period

It is not possible to predict if you will experience irregular periods, but there are things you can do to naturally regulate your period such as paying attention to your diet, making sure that you take time out of your busy work schedule to destress, doing meditation and exercising regularly.

Any kind of exercise that can take your mind off things, whether it’s walking the dog, going for a gentle jog or hitting the gym, is another great way to give your body a dose of those feel-good endorphins that will help your hormones to find their mojo again.

If you have late or irregular periods, it can be stressful not knowing when your next period is going to show up.

There are ways you can be prepared, which can take the fear factor out of suddenly being “caught short” with no protection to hand.

Menstrual cups can be a good solution for women suffering from irregular periods, because you don’t waste any disposable menstrual product, and unlike tampons, you can leave a menstrual cup in for 12 hours straight, and there’s no drying out – even if you don’t bleed.

Another benefit is that if you experience a particularly heavy flow, they have the capacity to hold three times the amount of blood that a super tampon can.

There are also certain food types that can help to get your period going, including:

  • Pineapples because they contain the enzyme

If you are taking contraceptives, they can also have an effect on your cycle.

Contraceptives such as the pill, IUDs, implants and rings can make periods appear very light or even make you miss them altogether. If you are unsure, speak to your doctor, but the key is knowing what is normal for you.


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only.

This website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

If you’re experiencing any issues after trying the menstrual cup for a couple of periods or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at [email protected].